Right Road Cohort
Right Road Cohort

We understand that meeting a living wage standard can be a challenge for many employers, and we want to serve as a resource for employers committed to living wages. If you cannot meet the current standard for dual certification, please consider joining the Right Road cohort. This cohort will be available to any employer who would like to remain in the loop on living wages but who may not be able to get certified in the next year. We will have informational webinars from other businesses on how they got to a living wage, essential tips from Living Wage For Us on the most impactful and cost-effective benefits to provide, and other resources. Your logo will also remain on the Living Wage Virginia website (under the title of Right Road Cohort) until at least November of next year when we will do another assessment of our program needs. Please contact Ramón- ramon@virginiainterfaithcenter.org -if you would like to participate.
The Virginia Living Wage Certification Program is a project of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, a 501(c)(3) organization. If you would like to talk more about participating in the Living Wage program please reach out to Ramon Zepeda Ramos at ramon@virginiainterfaithcenter.org.