Promoting the positive impact of values-aligned employers,consumers, and workers since 2018.
Program Details
The Virginia Living Wage Certification Program, a program of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, recognizes and honors employers that pay living wages. Since 2018 the program has certified more than 150 employers around the Commonwealth. Richmond Living Wage partners with the Office of Community Wealth-building to foster rich connections with employers in the region.
Wage Levels
Silver: $12.50 per hour or more
Gold: $16.00 per hour or more
Our two certification levels are:

Benefits to Employers
Becoming a Living Wage certified employer affords you an official certification, a digital badge for your website, a window cling, and recognition with potential values-aligned job applicants and consumers.
Business Promotion
Regular business promotion is offered through both new media and print advertisements.
Becoming a certified Living Wage employer makes visible your commitments to employees and raises your company profile amongst potential job seekers and customers.
Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
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By paying a living wage, employers contribute to ending generational poverty, allowing families to advance their futures.
Moral Imperative
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As Mayor LeVar Stoney states, "Breaking the cycle of generational poverty is the moral challenge of our time. Jobs that pay below the poverty level do not lift individuals from the bottom. A living wage is crucial.
Ethical Responsibility
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Paul Junod of Bon Secours Health System emphasizes, “As a ministry of the church, we believe our coworkers are our brothers and sisters in God’s global family. Paying a just wage is a moral imperative.